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Cirriculum Vitae


Diploma in physics with distinction
Department of Physics, University of Thessaloniki, Greece

1974-1976 M. Sc. (Physics)
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park,
1976-1979 Ph. D (Plasma Astrophysics)
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park,
1980 - 1985 Research Associate , University of Maryland, USA
1985 - 1990 Assistant Professor, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
1990 - 2007 Associate Professor, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
2007 - 2016 Professor, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
2016 - present Retired Professor, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Research Activities:
  • Fourteen research programs (PI in nine and collaborator in five).
  • I have organized five international conferences and meetings in Thessaloniki
  • Twenty participations in scientific committees of conferences and summer schools.
  • Fifty two invited talks in international conferences
Administrative Activities:
  • I have participated  in committees of the Physics Department.
  • I have worked for the creation of the career orientation office of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  • I have served as a Director of the Astronomy, Astrophysics and Celestial Mechanics section during the years 2005-2007.
  • President of the Hellenic Astronomical Society
Other Activities:
  • I have participated in administrative boards of European scientific organizations, I have served as a referee for journals and scientific programs, as an external examination committee member in PhD theses of foreign Universities, and as a member of international working groups
  • I am contributing regularly articles in the daily Greek Press on astrophysical and educational issues .
  • I have given a series of lectures on popular science.