NASA Astrophysical Data System
Google Scholar Citations
A collection of the mostly cited papers and reviews:
- The statistical flare, (with M. Georgoulis, R. Kluiving and P. Paschos), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 299, p. 897 (1995)
- Numerical studies of particle acceleration in turbulent oblique shocks, (with R. Decker), Ap. J., 306, 710-729 (1986)
- Comparative study of the loss cone driven instabilities in the low solar corona, (with RR Sharma) , Ap. J., 233, 717-726, (1984)
- Hard X-ray emission from the solar corona, (with S. Krucker, M. Battaglia, P.J. Cargill, L. Fletcher, H. S. Hudson, A. L. MacKinnon, S. Masuda, L. Sui, M. Tomczak, S.M. White), Anual Rev. Astr. Astroph. A, in press (2008)
- The importance of plasma effects on electron cyclotron maser emission from flares (with R. Sharma and K. Papadopoulos), Astr. Astroph., 112, 377-385 (1982)
- Radiation signatures from locally energized flaring loop, (with G. Emslie), Ap. J., 242, 359-602 (1980)
- Collective plasma effects associated with the continuous injection model of solar flares, (with K. Papadopoulos) Ap.J., (1979)
- Solar microwave bursts - A review, (with M. Kundu), Space Science Rev., 32, 405-462 (1982)
- Radio imaging of solar flares using the very large array - New insights into flare process, (with M. Kundu, E.J. Schmahl and T. Velusamy), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 108, 188-194 (1982)