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Selected Invited Talks in international Meetings and Workshops
- Particle heating and acceleration by turbulent reconnection in the solar atmosphere, Worksop on “Particle acceleration and transport: From Sun to extragalactic sources”, University of Calabria, November 12-16, Rende, Italy.
- Particle heating and acceleration inside the turbulent Solar Corona, 45th Conference of Plasma Physics, European Physical Society, July 2-6, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Anomalous Transport in Turbulent Plasmas, 25th Summer School and Conference on Dynamical Systems and Complexity, July 9-17, Athens, Greece.
- Acceleration and Heating in Turbulent Reconnecting Plasmas, The Join MeetingonQuantumFieldsandNonLinearPhenomena,April18-22,Sinaia,Romania.
- Turbulent reconnection in the solar atmosphere, International Scientific Seminar on “Structures and Dynamics of the solar atmosphere: Recent advances and challenges”, Kavli Royal Society International Center, Chiney Hall, London - UK.
- A Fermi Model for Coronal Heating by MHD Waves and Nanoflares, MultiWavelength Studies of the Solar Atmosphere: Celebrating the Career of Costas Alissndrakis, Ioannina - Greece.
- Current fragmentation and particle acceleration in strongly turbulent plasmas, 16th European Fusion Theory Conference, Lisbon - Portugal.
- Coronal heating from explosive events: A kinetic approach, First Joint Solar Probe Plus-Solar Orbiter Workshop-The Origins of the Heliosphere, Florence - Italy.
- Current fragmentation and Heating/Particle Acceleration during Solar Flares, US-Japan Workshop on Magnetic Reconnection, Tokyo, Japan.
- ComplexityinSolarActiveRegions,IAFA2011InternationalAstrophysicsForum Alpbach, Tyrol - Austria.
- Particle acceleration during solar flares, ISSI workshop on Particle acceleration in cosmic plasmas, Bern, Switzerland.
- The solar flare: a strongly turbulent particle accelerator, IAU 274 Advances in plasma astrophysics, Giardini-Naxos, Italy.
- Self Organized Criticality and applications in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas, Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, International meeting in honor of Prof. T. Boundis, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Magnetic Energy Release, IAU 257 Meeting on Universal Heliophysical Processes, Ioannina, Greece.
- Waves in Plasmas, 7th School of Physics and Technology of Fusion, Volos, Greece.
- Solar and Stellar Active Regions: A cosmic laboratory for Complexity˘, Chaos in Astronomy, Athens, Greece.
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